Archive for October, 2016

Questions for Spirit Baby Reading

I have found in about 1000 email  sessions  that usually a great many  details and information come through.

Time and space  have no meaning on the other side. All intuitives have tools of access (tarot cards, tea leaves, rune stones, scrying   etc.) .

I can access your information when I have your name and birth date and the same information for the others you are asking about, so I can cross-check.

(In a similar way astrologers need your name and birth date to do a reading for you.)

My charge is $300.00 USD
Spirit Babies usually stay with their mother, in her aura.

They may in some instances choose their daddy first.

Most of my clients are by e-mail.

Please  send me the following:

Future mother’s and father’s  full names and birth dates.

Names and birth dates of any living children


Fertility history

Details of  any lost pregnancy such as beginning  and end dates  as far as you know them.

Any partial diagnosis such as low sperm count, thyroid issues, irregular periods

Length of time trying.

Any procedures tried (with approx.. dates).

Anything else you think might be relevant?

No limit on how many questions you send.
People often ask why their spirit baby has chosen them, their feelings etc.
Recent clients asked

  • What do you need in order to come in?
  • Do you need to be reassured? .
  • Is there anything you need Mommy to know?
  • What can Mommy do to be a good mother and offer you a good family?
  • Does Mommy need to relax more?
  • Does Mommy need to make changes to my lifestyle?
  • Is there something Mommy does not know that she  does not know?
    What was the significance of…..?
    How do you feel, Spirit Baby  ?
    What does  Mommy need to do to help you, Spirit Baby ?
  • How can Mommy communicate  with you?
    Is there anything  Daddy  and Mommy need to change?
    Life style or diet or …. ?
    What  is your life task, Spirit Baby?
    How can Mommy and Daddy help you fulfill this task?
    Do you   care which gender body you take for the next life?
    Have Daddy and Mommy had a previous connection to you?
    What can Mommy do to make you feel safe?
  • Any  information about maternal grandmother’s fertility history?
  • (This has a great effect on her daughter’s experiences of pregnancy and birth.)
  • Please use  these  as suggestions only. Add or delete as you wish .

    When you send me the information and questions I will do the reading ASAP and bill you by Paypal.

  • You do not need a Paypal account to use Paypal.
  • Love and light,
  • Christine


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